Friday, May 3, 2019

Utilitarianism view on a dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Utilitarianism view on a dilemma - Essay ExampleIf we have chosen the option A and it has a great human action of quick consequences as compare to option B, then the decision will be perfect. That all depends upon the great number of rightness.The ethical dilemma, which we have given, is a critical one. According to this dilemma, if a ship is sinking and there is tho one lifespan boat on the ship. The life boat has the capacity of only ten slew but there are thirty nation stranded in the sinking ship. The captain has deuce options for the emolument of the life boat. One is to obliterate twenty muckle and save the rest of ten people in the life boat. On the other hand, he may let all them to die on a natural death and thus no one would be killed. In this situation, the dilemma is non of great number of goodness rather it can be explained using the slighter number of mournfulness, ache or sadness while selecting anyone option.In this situation, the captain has no choice of having great number of goodness rather he can select only the option where he may have less sorrow over the consequences. If he selects the option of thriftiness ten people on the utility of the life boat then there will be happiness that at least he has saved some people from the danger of death. In this option, he can fully utilize the opportunity of the utility of life boat. However, the dark side of this decision is the killing of more than ten people. This government agency that if he is saving ten people from death then on the other he is pushing twenty people to towards the death. Here in this situation the number of happiness is less as compare to the number of sorrow or the number of pain. We can say that under the umbrella of utilitarianism, the captain might not go with this decision that he can save ten people while pushing twenty other people to the death.The captain has another second option to adopt for the people. He may not kill any person in the sinking ship rather they may die their natural death. This means that he does not

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