Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Islamic Women in the Socio-Political World Case Study

Islamic Women in the Socio-Political World - Case Study sampleAs the report stresses the society covered by the virtues and rules of Islamic religion female genitalia be spy and be check outn to have a patriarchal form where male dominates the female. This is where we get to see the real and the airplane pilot role of women in the Islamic society. This paper discusses that part of the teachings of the Quran is for women to be submissive to their hubbys especially after marriage. It is besides said that a woman has no right to talk with other male other than her husband or close relatives. Going over what is mandated and what is expected for women to do is against the Quran. However, this kind of belief and practices no bet how oppressive as seen by many feminists and critics continue to spread and obviously still organism unspoilt to places where Islam resides. But going deeper to the subject of womens oppressive role in the Islamic society, there can be no doubt that women for their part somehow influence male as they make decisions that come upon political and economical status. It is interesting to know that the fact that they atomic number 18 submissive to their husbands, they can still impress these decisions, even if they are out of power. Power and influence the hold up The Heritage of Islam claims are not the really(prenominal) or co-terminous. The quoted line above gives us an inkling that women are significant in the society not because we are arguing about existence but because the effect of womens influence to males decision-making that most of the times is indirectly done and indirectly observed. This situation has long been observed by women and thereof in answer to this need or rather call for change, they have also decided to fool away part in the different challenges that male have been facing since time immemorial. In the same book by Creevey, it can be understood that with the search for bigger roles in the society, this in n ow the very famous words we call women empowerment. The goal of this paper is not merely to check what empowerment of women means, or what the process is. This is just however to simply reiterate the events and factors that affected Islamic women to come out of their shells being oppressed masked by the role of a wife to their husbands.The Heritage of women somehow gives us a glimpse of this abrupt change in the status and giving the Western African as an example, we could see how women tried to rise from the simple roles of just being a wife. Nowhere in West Africa do women control the political structures or dominate the political process. In all West African countries they are permitted to

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