Friday, May 17, 2019

Attachment – Word Count 1466

Word find 1466 Introduction Attachment opening rear end be useful to highlight core and basic tender consumes for affectionate interaction and proximity to others. Used as a model of human development, it can help us consider how relationships between infants and their cargongivers forge and underpin the development of fundamental aras of our lives our self beliefs and constructs of the realism around us of ourselves and expectations of others our abilities to self regulate our emotions and line upings our sense of curiosity, motivation and confidence to explore and learn and how we ar able to relate to others and tasks/activities.In this paper I will firstly be discussing the major theorises of bond certificate these organism John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Secondly I will explain how addendum informs in social work. Among the most significant developments of psychiatry during the past quarter of a century has been the steady growth of license that the quality of paren tal maintenance which a baby bird receives in his earliest years is of vital splendour to his future mental health (Bowlby. J. p11. 953) Attachment is an emotional relationship that involves comfort worry and contentment. The roots of trammel were thought to be from Freuds theorys about love, however John Bowlby is accredited with being the frontwards father of attachment theory. Bowlby shared the psychoticanalytic view that early experiences in childhood rescue a major influence on development and behaviour later in life. Our early attachment styles are established in childhood through the infant/caregiver relationship.Kennhell and Klaus said that sometime attachment is bewildered with the natural bonding process that takes place between mother and child, and we should be careful not to coalesce these too up. Bowlby believed that attachment begins in infancy and carries on throughout life, resulting in several behavioural systems that are required for survival and reprodu ction. Bowlby suggested that there are four central characteristics of attachment these are proximity maintenance, this is when the child strives to stay close to the care giver enabling the child to stay safe.Safe haven, this is when the child feel scared or afraid turning to the caregiver for support and comfort. Secure base, this is when the caregiver gives the child a protected place to discover the world from. Separation distress this is when the child get upset or distressed when it is absent from the caregiver. Bowlby suggested that attachment was an element of selected relationships throughout the lifespan, even though most of his research center on infancy. Mary Ainsworth created a method called the strange patch.The method that Ainsworth had created was to examine that bond between the care giver and the child. The method is to examine the child playing for approximately twenty minutes while the care giver and the person who is unknown to the child enters and exit the ro om. This method creates a familiar and unfamiliar situation for the child. For some children this type of situation can be very stressful. The case of Genie was an extreme example of a child that had no attachment or social contact resulting in her being a feral child.She was unable to talk dress herself or toilet herself, when support was implemented within a few days progress was seen to be do, showing that even though no attachment had been made the child was still able to learn new behaviours. A striking example of magnanimous attachment to a parent is the comment made by a 40 year old wench who had lost her mother I never realised, until she was gone, how much my own sense of confidence depended on subtle that if I ran into trouble I could always turn to her for help and advice. Goldberg 2000 p10)in my own experience of working with adult services, I gained an understanding of how separation could have affected an elderly couples health. After 60 years of marriage social s ervices where call in to assess their situation as they where no longer able to cope delinquent to the fact the wife had senile dementia. Initially the was talk of them being home together however a standard care home would not have met the need of the wife, a nursing home was needed for her. This was seen as being detrimental to both their health due to separation.Therefore, it was seen to be better to provide them with support in their own home. In conclusion children who are hard attached tend to have trusting, long-term relationships in their adulthood. As adults and being securely attached, these same individuals have a great understanding and perspective on important relationships in their lives. They demonstrate a forgiving attitude toward their mate and tend to show compassion for others. They tend to speak of how their past experiences have influenced their set out feelings and relationships.References Bowlby, J. (1953) Childcare and the growth of maternal love. Harmonds worth Penguin Books. Feeney,J. Noller,P. (1996) Adult Attachment. London sage publications. Goldberg, S. (2000) Attachment and Development. London Arnold publishers. Howe,D. (1995) Attachment theory for social work practice. London Macmillan press. Smith, Cowie, Blades. online. The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Understanding Childrens Development. York College Homepage, (http//www. ycc. ac. uk/yc/new/HUMSOC/psycho/unit1/adultatt. htm), (5 December 2008)

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