Monday, May 6, 2019

Fiction ( Creaton from your imagination) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Fiction ( Creaton from your imagination) - strive ExampleHis liveness is all the more raptureal for me as his favorite sport is the same that is tap cricket. In fact we do play together every in a flash and then whenever we get prison term or it should be, whenever he gets time from his busy routine and hectic life.My uncle has had his due share of problems and struggles during his life. He has seen the highs and lows of life and I can safely conclude that he is all rounder by all measures of imagination. He has witnessed success when he was down in the dumps and face humiliation in the form of losses, some(prenominal) in terms of financial value as well as psychological pressures, but it is his thaumaturge that he never turned back on his principles and strong ideological limits and thus defeated whatever came in his way. His developmental process is such that he has only looked at the brighter side of things and never touched(p) the negative as according to him, doing t he latter can reap nothing but misery for both(prenominal) the individual as well as the people related with him or her. Thus he wrought his life in such a manner which would only provide him solace and peace of forefront whenever he was in hot waters and nothing right came across him. He has seen financial losses that took away quite a huge sum of his bank balance in late eighties when he was doing a roaring business of textile designing yet he did not afford under pressure from people related to him and the near and dear ones advised him to divest whatever was left in the business. He continued and marched along at the same speed, so much so that now he has his own textile factory located in the outskirts of the city. He has been a model of inspiration for one and all and I can safely call him my mentor whenever I run into every problem in my day to day life. His advice is always that has brought a new lease of life in me and helped me see things in a more positive fashion ra ther than just sitting and sulking everyplace the

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