Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Matrix Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Matrix - Movie follow ExampleThe Matrix depicts that human wisdom is a strong force which cannot be retell or mechanically restored. The movie portrays human intelligence is based on such issues as reasoning, thinking, and problem solving. mint differ in their ability to reason effectively. However, the cognitive processes responsible for human actions and performance cannot be repeated by machines. The movie portrays that most people live in quite large amicable groups, and their intelligence evolved to cope with the demands of social life, the need to learn ones place in a social hierarchy, how to interact with ones social superiors and inferiors, how to co-operate with others, and how, sometimes, to outwit them. In the article, Lazar underlines that power in itself is deceptive as it is based on a paradox it allows the taste of legality/knowledge but causes its own end (and arguably the end of truth/knowledge) Using such characters as Neo, Morpheus and Trinity, the movie portrays that only human beings have the ability to think and gain decision-making to complex situations. Machines are unable to think flexibly. The Matrix shows that people go one step that by attributing, the possession of a theory of mind which, they proposed, underlay the machines ability to understand, control, or predict the behavior of others. The idea has been interpreted up by numerous fiction writers, some of whom have argued that we possess a domain-specific theory of mind module.

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