Saturday, May 18, 2019
Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay
Well begin by de quintupleing treates development. According to (Chase & Jacobs) process is defined as common make products that describe the necessary essential steps for the design of a product. These methods represent a basic age of steps or activities that an organization uses to create or modify a product. Many of these tasks involve more intellectual knowledge than physical activity. Some companies define and follow an accurate and detailed development process, magical spell others may not even be able to describe their processes. Every company uses a several(predicate) process from any other company in fact, the same organization may follow a different process for each of its products or markets. The purpose of this strategy process is to design a process that meets the customers needs and to product details within the cost and other administrative constraints. Note that the selected process depart have a long term effect on competition and the flexibility of the produc tion, as sound as on the cost and prize of goodishs produced. Therefore, much of the procedures strategy is provided at the time of the decision making. I work at Humana Healthc be Insurer Company. It is a Kentucky based Company with 45 years in the market, a leader in consumer-centric wellness benefits and a Fortune 100 company with revenues of more than $ 30 visiting cardion, ranking 79 in our evolving approach to well-being.To help people achieve lifelong well-being, the elements of purpose, belonging, security and health all work together to produce true well-being and we make our contribution to bigger than chemical equilibrium through core strength of our health. Taking into considering the service offered, which is a health insurance plan, Humana has a send for center that uses an advanced techno entery platform that allows access to multiple platforms at the same time to nidus on solving the resolution of the call. Calls are answered by highly trained personnel to me et the highest standards of quality and customer felicity. We answer calls in a time of 20-80 seconds allowing each call to be a good experience for our customers. This will allow flows and processes designed to meet and comply with operational requirements and customer needs. To reach the highest levels of satisfaction our Call Center Workforce Management area has to forecast calls volume, agent requirement calculation, compare expirations and conformation schedule workforce. Our results of the survey conducted to our customers exceed the standards of 98 percent satisfaction. Another service that Humana offers are programs directed to health care. Prevention is one of the main approaches for optimal health.Humana adds value promoting programs such as Humana Beginning for pregnant women, asthma attack prevention program and nutrition programs where our nutritionists coordinate health programs to guide and promote an optimal health that would result in healthier employees and lowe r utilization costs. With this vision a 30 percent reduction of your bill for medical claims is expected. The technology apply for the call distribution its an ACD which allows equitable distribution. Humana provides a dedicated unit called SBU / VIP Area which is a dedicated area of integrated services for our customers. The objective of this area is to struggle VIP customer calls through this dedicated area, offering them an exclusive and unique service. Our product is intangible, where each of our computer programming methods is directed to the contact with the customer, the response time is short, and our markets are local and international. Another of our features is the simultaneous production and intake with response duty cycles that are closed after each call and systems technology for call log inquiries to document the call resolution. The main objective is to improve quality, associates productivity and timely response.ReferencesBoothroyd, G.,P. Dewhurst and W. Knight . Product Design for shape and Assembly. 2nd ed New York Marcel Dekker 2002 Cooper, R. G Winning at New Products Accelerating the Process from sentiment to Launch Reading MA Perseus Books. 2001 Morgan James M., and Jeffrey K. Liker The Toyota Product Development System Integratimg People, Process, and Technology. New York Productivity Press, 2006 Ulrich, Karl T., and Steven D Eppinger. Product Design an Development 3rd ed. New YorkMcGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2004 Un diagrama de flujo est dise gyp para representar un proceso, ya sea en negocios o en lo rolel, para mostrar la forma ms eficaz de completar un proceso. Un diagrama de flujo puede ayudar a visualizar lo que est pasando y ayudar a la persona o personas que estn buscando en ellas para entender el proceso que se describe, y si es necesario, la forma de mejorarlo. Cada da, las personas realizan diferentes tareas que consumen una gran parte de su rutina diaria. En el siguiente artculo, de un proceso especfico ha sido identificado y, a continuacin un diagrama de flujo ha sido diseado para mostrar los diferentes factores que pueden afectar el proceso, as como la mtrica especfica que identifica el proceso. En el diseo de un diagrama de flujo, los resultados muestran cmo la cantidad de tiempo podra ser minimizado y que hacer para que el proceso sea ms eficiente. convert diferentes tipos de diagramas de flujo, y cada uno tiene diferentes cuadros que representan distintas etapas en el proceso que se discute. Tambin pueden incluir distintos niveles de detalle, segn sea necesario y se muestra la estructura general del sistema. Diagramas de flujo suelen utilizar smbolos especiales, como los diamantes o rectngulos. Un rectngulo de bordes redondos representa las actividades de inicio y finalizacin. Un rectngulo regular representa una actividad o un solo paso. Un diamante representa el punto de decisin. Las lneas de flujo muestran la progresin de una etapa a la siguiente. Los factores que afectan el proceso de diseo de ti empo dedicado a prepararse para el da sern los siguientes 1. Por qu me levanto de inmediato o no oprim el botn de la alarma? 2. Est mi ropa planchada para el da o tienen que ser planchada? 3. Mis hijos preparan sus bultos para sus prcticas de volleyball en la noche o lo hacen en la maana? 4. Mi hijo de 11 aos tienen practica o va a quedarse en casa? Si tiene prctica, el tiempo debe ser aadido en vestirse, lavarse la cara, cepillarse los dientes, desayunar. Todos y cada uno de estos factores puede afectar el tiempo de proceso, ya que potencialmente pueden afectar la cantidad de tiempo dedicado a cada tarea. Algunas otras medidas que podran incluirse en la rutina de la maana son los siguientes 1) Lavarse los dientes2) Ducha3) Secarse el cabello4) Aplicar el maquillajeLa mtrica que se ha identificado para medir este proceso ser el tiempo. Estoy buscando una manera ms eficiente para agilizar el trfico de la maana con mis hijos a partir del tercer grado en dos semanas y un beb recin naci do en casa. El diagrama de flujo incorporar la mtrica del tiempo para cada da de la semana que se est estudiando, en un plazo de cinco das. El tiempo es un componente crtico en la maana si me les pido a mis hijos preparar los bultos para las prcticas de volleyball a tiempo o salir por la puerta para el nombramiento de un mdico u otra actividad programada. Los tiempos que se enumeran a incluir la colecta de datos durante cinco das de la semana del 3 de octubre de 2011. Lunes, 10/03/11 tiempo de preparacin 32 minutosMartes, 10/04/11 tiempo de preparacin 20 minutosMircoles, 10//05/11 tiempos para prepararse 33 minutosJueves, 10/06/11 tiempo para prepararse 15 minutosViernes, 10/07/11 tiempo de preparacin 19 minutosEl tiempo total gastado en el transcurso de cinco das 119 minutos Un diagrama de flujo puede ayudar a una persona a decidir qu medidas tomar para agilizar un proceso en el trabajo o en su vida personal. El diagrama de flujo que dise muestra claramente que el fin de agilizar l a rutina de la maana, es necesario cuidar al mximo la noche anterior. Esto incluye el planchado de la ropa, preparar los bultos, y tener a mi hijo ducha. El diseo del diagrama de flujo muestra el tiempo extra que ser necesaria si cada paso que no se toma el cuidado de la noche anterior, o AM si me decido a golpear el botn del despertador a las 600 a.m. present OF ORIGINALITYI certify that the attached root word is my original work. I am familiar with, and acknowledge my responsibilities which are part of, the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity. I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I have identified the sources of all instruction whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, all images, and all quotations with citations and reference listings. Along withcitations and reference listings, I have used quotation marks to identify quotations o f fewer than 40 words and have used block disorderliness for quotations of 40 or more words. Nothing in this assignment violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual airscrew laws. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same hardiness as my handwritten signature
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