Sunday, May 5, 2019

Experience in English 102 Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 52

acquire in English 102 Class - Essay ExampleI am conversant with MLA, APA, Harvard, and Chicago pen styles and my broncobuster students could always ask me for assistance in these areas, a factor that helped me become even better. by means of the various creative reading, writing and research assignments I allow greatly sharpened my critical outline skills, which involves a set of critical interrelated questions (Browne & Keeley, 2). I have learned to ask myself questions other than proficient follow what is written, this is translated to my researches where I write more analytically than I did before. This is a skill that I did non have at the beginning of this class however, achieving it will be of great use not alone in my academic work but also in work-related goals. One assignment that I did not enjoy was the group assignment, this is because some of the members in my group were not co-operative and we ended up wasting a lot of time and eventually doing the assignment i n a rush. I believe this is what contributed to the low course of instruction in the assignment. However, the individual assignment on creative literature was most meaningful to me because I was adapted to practice most of the skills that I had learned. The stories that I read for this assignment and many others helped me change my whole learning of humanity. I learned that people live in different conditions and may be going through other circumstances that affect their way of life. Therefore, we should never be quick to judge peoples actions. Generally, my experience in the English 102 class has been interesting as well as very educative. My teachers and fellow students have been very supportive in ensuring that all concepts being taught are well grasped. I have also made many friends hence improving my social life in addition to my academic

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