Saturday, April 13, 2019

Symbolized and What it Meant to America Essay Example for Free

Symbolized and What it Meant to America leavenThough the negative preconception of the general American frequent was the widely carried message of newspapers before and during the earlyish days of the said flatt, this is not what was c everyplaceed by colliers phrase since it was released during the last day of the event already. Therefore, what the article presented as the sentiment of America for the event, in the context of what happened during the supposedly last day of the event, was that of lever and blessing over the behavior of the hundred thousands callownesss who attended the event. This is exemplified by the same paragraphs in the previous page that Collier used to convey a positive image for the event. If we are to extract the American sentiment over the event from those few that were interviewed for the article, it could be viewed that America was surprised by and approved of the behavior of the startleicipants, which was characterized by dumbfounding cour tesy, order, and harmony.Coming from an explicit expectation of negative behavior from the youth who were going to attend the event, it could render actu wholey been such a pleasant surprise to America that the youth was able to rise above all their preconceived notions. However, it would be also reasonable to imagine that a big with the positive perception of the American public over the relative success of the event was the concern over what was revealed the prevailing nuance of drugs among the youth.With the reports of the event showcasing how drugs adversely affects the health of the youth and even lead to death and how the youth blatantly welcome such practices and even treats it as a culture, there is little argument that the rest of America who are not part of the said contemporaries and culture is worried over the possible results of such a phenomenon in the long run. Thus, basing from Colliers article, it could be said that Americas perception of the event could have be en a mixture of both positive and negative things.Positive in terms of respect over the rule of the American youth in staging such a peaceful display of unity, and negative in terms of their concern over the impending effect of the youths blatant drug practices. However, the respect for the youth and their generations culture that has been planted by the event in the hearts and minds of the American people is something that could not be erased for generations to come. A. What the Event Symbolized and What it Meant to America In Colliers article, what was portrayed as the symbolism of Woodstock for those who participated in it was an incredible unification of people.Woodstock, for the youth who attended it, was the fulfillment of their thrilling expectation of organism able to meet strangers who shared their practices, beliefs, and culture. The event was also a fulfillment of the youths forwardness to experiment with drugs along with all the other people of their generation. This i s based form a paragraph in Colliers article . As for the rest of America who were not there at Woodstock and who were not part of the culture that Woodstock fostered, the event could still have symbolized a positive thing.For them, Woodstock could have been a symbol that though the youth of America have been practicing a culture entirely different from that of the previous generations, that does not mean that the generation was of no good. Woodstock could have well been a symbol that the youth of that day deserved to be prise for being the beautiful people that they are and for the beautiful things that they are able to do, beyond the prejudice that they have been faced with. For America, Woodstock could have meant that where their youth puts their heart into, there would also be peace, harmony, and beauty.

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