Sunday, April 28, 2019

Important Partnerships between Police Officers and the Community Research Paper

Important Partnerships between jurisprudence force Officers and the Community - Research Paper ExampleThis research paper explores the importance of partnership between police officers and community in reducing criminal activities in the society. Today, law enforcing agencies look at the best draw near to trade domestic violence and crime. The need to stump out crime in the society needs a collective effort, which would involve the police and the community. Criminologists argue that partnership between the police officers and the community potbelly help to reduce crimes committed in the community. Largely, the society has a role to play in unequivocal the security, crime and any other vice that is likely to occur in the community. The manner in which prosecutors handle cases of domestic violence indicates the partnership between the police officers and the community could help to avert criminal activities in the society. Notably, prosecutors use the following approaches to han dle cases of domestic violence evidence based prosecution, no drop policies, and superfluous regional or district attorneys. In conclusion, the importance of partnership between community and police officers involve improved safety in the society, effective police activities in the community, leverages of resources used by the police, and leads to a diminution of criminal activities or improvement of behavior in the society. Largely, coordination of information between the society and the police leads to citation and possible prosecution of the criminals. Arresting and prosecution of criminals would be difficult without the cooperation of the community.

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