Monday, April 1, 2019

Moths as Ecological Indicators

Moths as Ecological IndicatorsResultsArticles from peer- follow-uped journals, revolving around the topic of moths as bionomical indicators, were collected and reviewed. The articles dealt with various studies conducted in different parts of the reality and reveal the relationship between various anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem and change over in moth diversity.To begin with, the studies carried out in the Australian rain forest, the moth assemblages were considered to be an effective indicator of the ecosystem. Light trap method was used to write up the differences in diversity and richness of moths between the disturbed and undisturbed sites. As a result, a clear decrease was accounted in the number of moths of a few(prenominal) of the studied species from less disturbed to more disturbed locations whereas few former(a) species showed the exact opposite solution. The reason behind this variation in the response could be the presence of the flora on which that particular sp ecies depends for its food. The literature shows that the moths usher on the undisturbed site were in the main dependent on those life-size trees and the moths on the disturbed sites depend on herbaceous plants.Another engage was carried out in the Eastern deciduous forests of North America where several(prenominal)(prenominal) moth families were studied as indicators of habitat disturbance. The selection of moth species was through with(p) on the solid ground of ease of sampling and the ease of identification. A comparative study was d peerless in terms of accessing the moth communities of the prevailing forest edge and that of the interior habitat. woodwind instrument edges, recovering clear-cut stands, and small forest remnants were considered disturbed habitat types (Brown and Hutchings,1997 point and Keiller, 1998 Hamer and Hill, 2000Summerville and Crist, 2003). There was a considerable decrease in the species richness in the interiors as compared to that of the edge. This shows that the selected species of moths arse be considered as indicators of habitat disturbance.The phenomenon of global heating system has devastation implications. The next study deals with the effects of humour change on moths in the forest ecosystem. The change in climate leads to an increase in temperature which in turn leads to termination of diapauses. It is a condition during which the development is on a standstill. This is considered to be a good example of indicator of climate change.Another article deals with the study carried out in Carinthian Alps in the years 2002 and 2004 which dealt with the study of population trends of moths as a result of restoration and the conservation and ascendancy sites were defined and superintended. It revealed that there was a decrease in the number of moths from 2002 to 2004 but the decline was more in conservation sites that control ones. This decline was attributed to the switch of dense forest like habitats into open land scapes with the last-place outcome of semi natural grasslands with are rich in species.Therefore, the transformation from forest to open habitat is considered to be negative for moths. Moths proved to be an effective indicator to define the health of a forest ecosystem. The closing article is based on the similar concepts and addresses the impacts of climate change on moth populations.Discussion and conclusionsThe study involved a literature review of several articles from peer-reviewed journals and was focused on the consideration of moths as ecological indicators. The main factors determine were the effects of restoration, habitat changes, climate change and other anthropogenic activities on the moth population and the way in which they respond to it.Overall, the review revealed that the influence of the supra mentioned factors on moth population has been well studied. However, there were many constrains in the studies. The studies were mainly limited to the local scale and loc al geographical and environmental conditions which bottom be considered as a limiting factor.The selected species of moths might be considered as an accurate indicator of ecosystem quality the articles reflected the same. The selection of such an indicator species to monitor the health of an ecosystem can be considered as a powerful hawkshaw for the analysis. It can be noted from the articles that climate shifts are the drivers of extinctions and the habitat contractions of moth species.It can also be inferred that the role of the host plant plays a major(ip) role, in the response of moths, towards ecological changes. As we saw in one of the articles, few species of moths showed higher richness in the disturbed sites because of the presence of the like plant.We can even compare the inferences of this article with the results we obtained at Agumbe Rainforest inquiry Station, where we studied the moth diversity over three different sites. By fetching into consideration the result s of the Shannon-Wiener index, the highest diversity was obtained in the forest site which was the least damaged as compared to the other two sites where the damage was comparatively higher. However, we cannot completely hope on the results because the study was too short. An inference can still be made out of it because the disturbance had negative impacts on moth diversity.Therefore, the decline in the moth population has been a matter of concern and these declines point towards the catastrophic neediness of biodiversity because of anthropogenic environmental and habitat changes.On a concluding note, I would like to say that a future research based on the impacts of anthropogenic activities and climate change and its relation with moth population is necessary.An understanding has to be developed regarding the decrease in moth population and related conservative move has to be taken.ReferencesS. Netherer, A. Schopf. 2010. Potential effects of climate change on insect herbivore s in European forestsGeneral aspects and the pine processionary moth as specic exampleJournal ofForest environmental science and Management259831838.P. Dieker et al. 2011. Two high-mountain burnet moth species (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae) react differently to the global change drivers climate and land-useJournal of biological Conservation. 14428102818.R.L. Kitching et al. 2000. Moth assemblages as indicators of environmental quality in remnants of upland Australian rain forest.Journal of Applied Ecology37284-297F. Richard. 2013. The decline of moths in Great Britain a review of possible causesJournal ofInsect Conservation and Diversity6519.L. Rkosy, T. Schmitt. 2011. Are butterflies and moths suitable ecological indicator systems for restoration measures of semi-natural calcareous grassland habitats?Journal of Ecological Indicators1110401045.K.S. Summerville et al. 2004. Forest moth taxa as indicators of lepidopteran richness and habitat disturbance a preliminary assessmentJournal of Biological Conservation116918..

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