Friday, April 19, 2019

Operations and logistics management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Operations and logistics management - Essay ExampleThis makes the task easier since payments are made online and the fitting process is simple and very easy to understand. Since the data is usually fed into the client side computer, the cyclorama of reaching out to the already registered customers through the database helps the company in spreading its message, getting their point crossways to the relevant target audiences and so on and so forth. (Cade, 1996)The negative aspects include the manner in which chit still needs to be done through the physical presence of a person, especially at the airport terminal where the online booking is re-confirmed and there have been instances when the travelers have returned due to missing information, all of which cannot be made available online. This is a very cumbersome process for the traveler and he undergoes agony and excruciation at the hands of the authorities. At other times, visa restrictions and incomplete data has accounted for a number of contrasting problems as well.However this style of service (online booking) has been on the development side and more and more travelers are booking their tickets online, so as to save on fuel and time constraints. This is a busy dry land where business people have issues dealing with certain problems and hence they find it best to book tickets online and crystallize rewards as well. (Griffin, 2002) On the flip side, for a newbie traveler this can pose problems since he skill encounter different problems at the hands of the online booking form, the agentive role or the whole service in essence.Hence there could be a number of improvements made within the related circles. For one, they could adopt a more comprehensive cover for the potential customer who is the traveler at the end of the day. They could offer serve which are readily available when the customer makes a physical appearance at the travel agents office. (Molina, 2001) They can avoid the litigation measur es and

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