Thursday, April 11, 2019

Great Expectation Essay Example for Free

Great Expectation EssayComp atomic bet 18 the filming techniques utilise in speckles first meeting with discharge Havisham with two adaptations of Charles Dickenss Great ExpectationsThe two film clips that this audition impart be based on, and comparing, is a version by Julian Jarrold which app auricula atriied on TV screens in 1999 and a more than older cinema appearance by David Lean from 1946. The first noticeable difference is that the sooner film is played in black and white and therefore has sealed lighting limitations and, as a result of technological disadvantages, has limited television tv photographic camera cam stroke availability. However, there are a number of useable factors available for analysis. twain films attempt to build up a sense of mystery and increasing tension every last(predicate) the way through the word pictures and the task in hand is to focus in on all the different types of filming techniques used to do so. On the whole, the 1999 v ersion is darker than the 1946 edition and this increases the tension factor. Each scene takes us from film launching drop off Havishams room to when he leaves and incorporates all of the insults and belittling from Miss Havisham and Estella, although heretofore this is played differently in the two films David Lean makes very obvious insults as though Estella is actually telling him he is lower than her yet in Jarrolds version Estella either insults fritter to Miss Havisham or to herself in an undertone.There are six main techniques used by each director which this essay will analyse, they are shot types and framing-how each camera shot affects the mood of the scene, camera angles and lens movement-how the camera is positioned and what bearing that has on the scene, editing, music and sound effects-the backing sounds and its effect on the viewer, costumes-what each actor is draining and what it does for the characters personality/appearance, lighting and visual effects-how t he light and dark areas of the screen portray different ideas.Firstly, there are a few similarities between both scenes Shot types and framing/Camera angles and lens movements/Editing. The first is that both incorporate a long shot as Pip enters to designate the huge room in front of him and plant that this room really is intimidating as Pip looks tiny compared to the huge percipient space ahead. Secondly, both films show Pips reaction as a close up shot after the insults from Estella, this gives the viewer a real sense of pity for Pip and shows us what exactly is going through his mind at the time. The final similarity is as the grainy of cards unfolds, both films fade into the game to show a passing of time and both use an perfect close up to show us what is happening and, Miss Havisham is sat high on a chair in the middle, with Pip and Estella on the floor either side, with a medium shot, making Miss Havisham look very superior and the children look almost patronised.The 19 99 version has a lengthy amount of time when Pip is wondering rough the room looking at certain objects, building up mystery and tension, which Jarrold misses out and skips from Pip entering straight to his conversation with Miss Havisham. This added air division has a mixture of medium close ups, close ups and extreme close ups, but all the way through the shots are positioned a bit higher than Pip so it gives the earshot the idea that somebody has a watchful eye on him, and this, to a certain extent, is almost creepy, certainly builds up mystery and also borderlines on scary.For example, when Pip is walking past the dummies the camera is high up so it is as though the viewers are looking through Miss Havishams eyes. The other main camera uses are when Pip sees Miss Havisham in the mirror, she looks virtually ghost worry and it is almost scary, but just before she appears, its looks again as though he is being watched, and as Miss Havisham waves her arm to tell Pip to play, the re is a close up of her arm to show her dominance and shortly after a close up of Pips type to show the confused reaction. This section of the scene is very clever camera work by Jarrold, and really does freak the audience out.Both films use shot types, framing, camera angles, lens movement and editing differently, but there a number of specific differences between the two. When the two films join back up, there are many different camera uses and consequences of such. In the 1946 version, there is a long shot as Pip walks up to Miss Havisham and a medium close up as they talk to one-another and as Pip advances further, the camera moves in an wind to keep him and Miss Havisham on the picture at the same time. When they are closer, it allows an even closer shot than before of their faces and therefore portrays both expressions and the reactions to each others expressions individually.An addition to this version of Great Expectations is how the camera zooms in on a cobweb covered bib le to show the lost faith of Miss Havisham, and explain to the audience that something terrible has happened earlier in her life to make her do so. A two shot of Miss Havisham and Pip is on screen, and, as Estella joins the camera slides horizontally to follow her in. As Estella whispers in Miss Havishams ear there is a two shot to portray Miss Havishams expression. When Miss Havisham asks Pip his opinion of Estella he is made to whisper it in her ear but as he does so there is a medium close up showing all three expressions at the same time, i.e.Pips horror as Miss Havisham tells Estella what he has just said and Estellas delight of hearing such approving words. As Pip approaches the gate to go home, there is another fade in to show more time has passed by. This weed be compared with the 1999 version which has a much briefer conversation between Pip and Miss Havisham as much time is spent when Pip walks around, but, when Pip is whispering about Estella, the camera zooms in on Este llas face to show her reaction after being praised by Pip. Finally, when Pip and Miss Havisham are talking, there is a two shot of them to show each reaction as each person says something.

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