Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Gay Marriage Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gay Marriage Journal - Essay Examplece same sex couples rear prove to be better parents than opposite sex couples, as is suggested by Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz (as cited in Cooke, 2012, par.2). Family instability may take its toll on normal psychological exploitation of children of both straight and same-sex couples, and so, it is not true that only gay parents prove to be bad parents by any means. They may prove to be better parents. Stacey and Biblarz argue that two men or women can raise kids better in terms of intimate developing, than a man or a charwoman in a traditional home setting. Kids of gay couples do not have to see wholeness of their parents involved in extra-marital affairs. They do not have to see their moms and dads fighting with each other each day. Kids pay little attention to what the relationship between their parents is, or whether or not their relationship relates to companionable norms or not. All they want is love, of parents towards them and also towards each other. So, the relationship between parents has nothing to do with children proper homo- or hetero-sexual. Thus, gay marriages should be legalized without getting concerned about the parenting capabilities of the couples involved.Normandin (2011) argues that gay marriages should be banned because at that place is no interest or benefit attached to it that should be sufficient for its justification. He argues, with the support of scientific research, that the absence of one of the two sexes as parents is very detrimental for healthy mental and physical growth of children. In case of lesbian marriage, the absence of a biological father results in early sexual activity and adolescent misbehavior in children, since the role of father in childrens activities and mental and social health cannot be denied. In the same way, in case of gay marriages, the absence of a overprotect takes its toll on the development of young children, as fathers cannot respond to the needs o f infants as mothers can. Hence, the absence of each a mother or father is

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