Saturday, June 22, 2019

Answer the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Answer the questions - Essay ExamplePrivate sector norms on the other hand advert that the ethical standards existing in the government sector originated from the private sector, as the former does not have complex bureaucracies thence upholds high ethical standards than their counterpart2. I particularly find the two ideas liaisoning because they reflect on the reality that most people tend to disregard. Conflict of interest is prevalent especially in highly politicized working environments while private sector norms have a tendency to infiltrate government agencies and in the surgical process creating more scraps of authority. Therefore, it would be appropriate to insinuate that the two ethical issues have a strong correlation in that one and only(a) precedes the other thereby creating a vicious cycle of ethical dilemma. This is because conflicts of authority normally rub the private sector norms that have infiltrated the government and in the process leading to more crisis3 . Certainly, conflict of authority and private sector norms are fundamental concepts that have a wide variety of application in my maestro work. During my everyday undertaking of my professional work, I may find myself in a conflict of authority situation and the best method to get out of this ethical dilemma is to tour in accordance with the private sector norms that highly regard the incorporation of ethical codes of conduct in resolving ethical dilemmas4. Question Two Although the curb Ethics, The Ethics Edge presents several strong ethical concepts and arguments, I find two ideas namely, ethical leaders respect others and corruption as the major kindle factors. Ethical leaders ought to show respect to their peers as well as their subordinates as this motivates people in addition to promoting the inherent dignity of other persons. rottenness on the other hand, may have several meanings ranging from the moral backbone of corruption to the technical aspects of the same5. In m y view, the two aspects are interesting in the sense that each presents a unique perspective of ethical conducts. For example, the suggestion that ethical leaders normally respect others appears as a hypothetical phrase as more often than not, I find people in leadership positions blatantly disregarding their juniors. This could mean that ethical leadership and leaders for that matter is a rare asset in the contemporary organization settings. Corruption in contrast takes a different ethical route in that it may imply the moral sense of corruption whereby individuals have the mindset of non-accountability deeply rooted in them. The technical sense of corruption is surprisingly the most mundane one because it is the database type of corruption consisting mainly of the corporal aspect. These two ideas are curiously opposite because lack of ethical respect by leaders may erode the ethical values within the organization and corruption may ensue6. Both ideas are applicable in my professi onal work in that as a professional who is honing my leadership skills I have an obligation to respect others irrespective of the positions they hold in society or within the organization. This will include accept in them and their personal values and in the process enhancing my skills as an ethical leader. I also learn that the vice of corruption has many facets ranging from moral to physical aspects and that only ethical leadership

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